The Difference Between Walking, Hiking, and Trekking

couple hiking on coastal trail

Hiking, walking, trekking; these are three terms that have been interchangeably used and sparked arguments about what each of them really means. People use them throughout various scenarios and adventurous trails to refer to slightly different activities or individuals. With so many people interpreting these terms differently, it can get tricky to settle the nuances […]

Essential Gear Checklist For Your Summer Camping Trip


The summer season is about to roll in, and everyone is excited to enjoy the great outdoors again. Before you can pack up for a camping trip, you first have to make a checklist to make sure that you have all the necessary outdoor gear that will be needed to camp comfortably.  There is no […]

Hiking vs. Trekking: What Gear Do You Need?


Thrill-seekers often find the call of the great outdoors hard to resist, so many adventurers are surely planning for another trip off the beaten path. Exploring mountaintops and verdant landscapes are often the go-to choice, but people often mistake hiking for trekking or vice-versa.  Both activities are nature-driven, but the intensity can vary to the […]